

The Del Rio Pass program uses radio-frequency identification (RFID) technology to identify member vehicles and automatically debit tolls from their pre-paid account. You can apply for an account on this website, or at the Del Rio Pass Office at the International Bridge. Once your account is approved, you will receive one or more Del Rio Pass transponder(s) for your vehicle(s). Easy-to-understand installation instructions are included with the transponders.

The Del Rio Pass transponder is a radio frequency device that is mounted on your windshield. There are two (2) different types: removable and non-removable.

Customers can use either credit card or cash to put money into their account. A toll amount is calculated and deducted from your Del Rio Pass account’s prepaid balance each time you cross the bridge.

When your Del Rio Pass account’s balance reaches a “low threshold” level, it will be automatically replenished from the credit card that you have on file. Cash paying customers will need to go to the Del Rio Pass office at the International Bridge to add money to their account.

You can use this website to start your account, manage your account, and order one or more Del Rio Pass transponders for your vehicles.

As your vehicle enters the toll lane, an antenna mounted near the toll booth will read information contained in your Del Rio Pass transponder. For safety reasons, please drive SLOWLY through the toll lane as toll collectors and maintenance staff often walk nearby. If your account is in good standing, the traffic light will turn green and the gate will go up automatically. If there is a problem with your account (such as no money left in it), the traffic light will remain red and you will need to pay cash to the toll collector.